For All K-12 Educators

Interdisciplinary Lessons Developed with a COVID-19 Focus

2020 Tapia Professional Development Workshops

The Essential Question: Can you develop an interdisciplinary PBL lesson focused on COVID-19 that other people will want to use? These videos incorporate interdisciplinary Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) with English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and Texas College and Career Readiness Standards. Watch the following videos. Would you use this with your students?

Educators are persuading you to use a project based learning lesson that they developed for their classroom. This workshop, titled "Developing an Interdisciplinary Project with a COVID-19 Focus," is facilitated by the Tapia Center for Excellence and Equity in Education at Rice University, Houston, TX. For more information, view our website:

First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade

Middle School

High School